Went to Jusco on the 5th of October 2007 and watched two movies. After each movie ended we decided to snap out my camera and have some fun at the alleyway (the place you walk out from the theater. Go adn you might just see our footprints there haha.)
I got bitten by a pink spider. This picture was taken by Suba. No effects, this is just natural, I jumped and held myself against the wall for like a second and Suba took the shot. Perfect timing.
I want a cast in the next Spidey movie! Mr. Ang Lee, put me in!
See how good am I. No state-of-the-art graphics needed, just natural sticky hands and feets haha.
How real can I get?
Suba flies.
Had my camera adjusted to take shots of red color only.
This on was taken without the flash.
Damsel in distress... I love this shot. You can see the shadows against the wall and you can feel the emo-ness. Poh Leong?