25th June 2007 was YE’s Summer Bash bash =) This picture was taken by Pastor John (I think). We were the ones who came early to set up the place – Hawaiian style!
Hawaiian chicks! Haha.
Lookie! The rose among the thorns. (I think Adrian too this picture)
The birthday babies.
This is my favorite model! Leong Su Ling!
Took me quite a while to take this shot. But it’s worth it, I like this picture very much. I always like to take shots with some light source shining directly at the lens.
Sarah Pang, Pastor John and Shannon Keng.
SO CUTE!!! KAWAII!!! Look at Sister Kim’s face. Ain’t she just so adorable?
Pastor John giving a short sermon.
Happy Hawaiian faces.
See what I mean when I say Su Ling’s my favorite model?
This is one shot I love a lot. The tip of the drumstick was made to stand out and the rest blurred.